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Club Rules

1.  Cards must be carried at all times, no day tickets.

2.  Unhooking mats must be used if Carp fishing.

3.  Fishing is from designated pegs only, with only one angler per peg.

4.  No Night Fishing - Dawn To Dusk only

5.  No Fishing in conservation areas.

6.  Maximum of 2 rods only.

7.  Barbless hooks only, maximum size 8

8.  No tins on bankside

9.  Strictly no floating baits, nuts, spinning, fly fishing or treble hooks.  

10.  Tackle must not be left attended whilst line is in the water.

11.  No banksticks to be pushed into lake bed.

12.  Landing nets must be dipped before fishing (dip situated outside cafe)

13. Keepnets to be used in matches only (must also be dipped)

14. No Braid Main line

15. No Leadcore or ready spliced leaders

16. No fixed leads/ feeders - must be free running 

17. No Litter to be left on pegs.

18.  Foul and abusive language will not be tolerated around the lake, the cafe or on the clubs social media pages.

Anyone found breaking club rules will be dealt with by committee and their membership revoked. 

Managed by Festival Angling Club 

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